Conversation with Misaki and Emi:
Misaki: I don't want to get married.
Me: OK. (I'm listening but I'm not sure where she's going with this so I'm being neutral)
Misaki: No, I don't want to get married.
Me: OK.
Misaki: (almost crying) No, I don't want to get maaaaaaarriiiiiiiiiiiiied.
Me: Why not?
Misaki: Because it hurts.
Me: What hurts? (I'm totally confused)
Misaki: I don't want to get married because then I have to have a baby and that hurts.
Me: You know, you don't have to have a baby if you get married.
Misaki: Really?
Emi: YES YOU DO (in her most incredulous voice)
Me: No, you don't. You don't HAVE to. You can decided if you want to or not.
Misaki: OK. Thanks, Mom!
Emi: That's not true. You HAVE to, you HAVE to. Are you sure? Are you teasing me?
Me: No, I'm not teasing you at all.
Emi: hmmm.... I don't know.
So basically I solved one problem and caused another one all in the same conversation. Magic.
I hear women in their 30's say these same things all the time!
Felicity's big thing is that she doesn't want to go to heaven because she doesn't want to die. I told her that wouldn't happen until she was really old, and she answered "you mean when I'm 11?!?". Then I felt really old.
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