Saturday, October 18, 2008


Today I had to take Sakura for a "test" at the preschool she's going to go to in April. The test is really simple and is mostly to see if they can understand questions asked and then answer them and basic words. I was worried that she would be too shy or burst into tears but she was very calm and focused (unusual for her!).

I have to share one cute moment from her test.

referring to a page of fruit...
Teacher: ringo wa dore? (where are the apples?)
Sakura: ...
Teacher: ringo wa?
Sakura: ... apple!
Teacher: suteki (that's cool) said with a little awe in her voice

Yes, for the first part she kept answering the questions in English. The teachers (and other moms in the room) were totally impressed with her pronunciation. Eventually she realized the teacher was looking for her answers in Japanese so she switched over but it was pretty cute!


Anonymous said...

It is so cute how at that age they assume that everyone speaks more than one language! Katie

Lulu said...

hehe- very cute!!!

Glad she impressed the teachers too!

shinshu life said...

That's so sweet! Is she looking forward to going to kinder after seeing her sisters go there? Amy would go tomorrow if there was a place!

They must use the same test everywhere. We got stuck on the apple question, too. Each morning in apple season I ask the girls whether they want apple or banana after breakfast. Meg is a huge banana fan and every time she was askked about the apple she'd say 'No! i want the banana!'

Coffeegrljapan said...

How cute :) That is awesome! I truly hope our little girl gains proficiency in both languages...

Kim said...

That's a great story! Way to go, Sakura-chan! We are enjoying your new videos a lot! Jun still sings Happy Birthday to Sakura-chan a few times a week!

Anonymous said...

did you notice how you were nervous about Sakura going to the preschool, and in the previous blog how you were nervous about Misaki going to preschool? and how they both did great?....
probably they did great because a) they are great kids b)their grammy is awesome!!! (just thought I would throw that in there) c) you probably prepared them really well because you were so nervous! I love how thoughtful you are about each step, yet you keep pushing forward one step at a time, not letting the details stop you. i love you baby!